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Akera Api


Type aliases


CompareOpFilter: object

Filter condition that uses any generic comparison operators.

Type declaration


FieldFilter: object

A single field filter, can be used as such or grouped in more complex group filters.

Type declaration

  • [fieldName: string]: string | boolean | number | Date | OperatorFilter

    The field name to filter on and the filter condition. The filter condition can have an operator and value or can simply be only the value in which case the operator used is CompareOperator.EQ.


FieldValue: string | number | boolean | Date | Buffer

The value that can be set or retrieved on a table buffer field. This maps to the primitive data types available in the Progress database, for BLOB fields a Buffer can be used as binary representation of the data.


A query filter can be either a single field or a group filter.


GroupFilter: object

A complex group filter, can contain one or more single field filters.

Type declaration


INameValueList: object

Type declaration

  • [headerName: string]: string


A filter condition can be either a string or a generic one.


QueryJoinMap: object

The field mapping used to join tables together, it's a structure having field name(s) from parent table as properties and field(s) from child table as value(s).

Type declaration

  • [parentField: string]: string

    The field name from the parent table with field name of child table as value.


QueryRecord: object

A query record, if using multipe records, is a structure having the table name(s) as properties each with a table record as value holding the current field values for the table in query.

Type declaration

  • [tableName: string]: Record

    The table name and current table record.


Record: object

A table record is a structure that have field name(s) as properties and the field value as value(s).

Type declaration



SelectSort: object

The query sort option(s), it's a structure having field name(s) from the tables in query as properties and a boolean value to specify if sort is to be DESCENDING (true) or ASSCENDING (false).

Type declaration

  • [fieldName: string]: boolean

    The field name from the query tables, the value can be true for descending sort or false for asscending.


StringOpFilter: object

Filter condition that uses string comparison operators.

Type declaration



  • connect(server: ConnectInfo, user?: string, password?: string): Promise<IConnection>
  • Creates and API connection to an akera.io application server and resolves when the connection is established or reject in case of failure.


    • server: ConnectInfo

      The server information (host, port, optional ssl and timeout).

    • Optional user: string

      The user name if application server require authentication.

    • Optional password: string

      The user password.

    Returns Promise<IConnection>


  • createConnection(server: ConnectInfo, user?: string, password?: string): IConnection
  • Creates and API connection to an akera.io application server. This will not establish the connection, call connect method on it or set autoReconnect to true.


    • server: ConnectInfo

      The server information (host, port, optional ssl and timeout).

    • Optional user: string

      The user name if application server require authentication.

    • Optional password: string

      The user password.

    Returns IConnection