Creates a BusinessLogic object (procedure, function, method, static method).
The type of the BL object
The name of the file that contains the BL object
The name of the BL object
The return datatype of the BL object
Specifies whether the BL object is singleton or not
The array of parameters of the BL object
Builds an ABL call for the BL object.
Builds an INPUT-OUTPUT procedure parameter and adds it to the parameter array of the BL object.
Builds an INPUT procedure parameter and adds it to the parameter array of the BL object.
Builds an OUTPUT procedure parameter and adds it to the parameter array of the BL object.
Checks if the BL object's call is correctly defined.
Creates a BL object as an instance method in Progress
Creates a BL object as an internal function in Progress
Creates a BL object as an internal procedure in Progress
Creates a BL object as a procedure in Progress.
The file name that'll contain the procedure.
Creates a BL object as a static method in Progress
A BusinessLogic object represents an ABL procedure/function/method/static method.