The address of the remote end of this connection.
If set to true the connection is automatically re-established as needed if disconnected.
Depending on the connection state this can be used to check if the connection can accept new requests.
An alias to the meta-data information.
Flag set to true if the connection was already closed.
Optional logger instance to record details about API message exchange.
Handle to the meta-data information of the connection.
Handle to the query builder interface that can be used to create various queries and run them on current connection.
The current 'state' of the connection.
Alias for run method.
The information about business logic call, including parameters.
Establish the connection to the application server.
The timeout value to use for establishing the connection (milliseconds).
Asynchronously executes the create query on a given connection and, when fulfilled, returns the newly created row.
The create query to execute.
The query execution timeout (milliseconds).
Asynchronously executes the delete query on a given connection and, when fulfilled, returns the number of affected (deleted) rows.
The delete query to execute.
The query execution timeout (milliseconds).
Close the connection to the application server.
Alias for run method.
The information about business logic call, including parameters.
Returns the encoding used as internal code-page by the server.
Returns the logical name of the default database for this connection, if any set.
Executes a business logic call (procedure, function, class method) by passing input/input-output parameters and returns the result:
The information about business logic call, including parameters.
Asynchronously executes a select query and, when fulfilled, returns all the rows that satisfy the filter condition.
The select query to execute.
The query execution timeout (milliseconds).
Set the default database of the connection, when table names are not fully qualified this database is used by default.
The logical name of the database to be set as default.
Asynchronously executes the update query on the connection and, when fulfilled, returns the updated row(s).
The update query to execute.
The query execution timeout (milliseconds).
Asynchronously executes the web request on a web handler and stream the response back to the web response.
The web request to execute.
The web response object to write the response into.
This represents a connection to an application server and provides both direct data access (CRUD) as well as an API interface that allows calling any 4GL business logic provided the server have the API module(s) enabled.