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Interface IFieldSchema

Catalog schema information of a table field . Table field information.


  • IFieldSchema



Optional ablType

ablType: string

The 4GL data type.

Optional decimals

decimals: number

Number of decimal places, for decimal fields.

Optional description

description: string

The field description.

Optional extent

extent: number

Number of extents, for array.

Optional format

format: string

The 4GL format. 4GL field format

Optional initial

initial: string

Initial value

Optional items

items: object

Type declaration

  • type: string

    The JSON data type of array entries.

Optional label

label: string

4GL field label

Optional mandatory

mandatory: boolean

Flag for mandatory field.

Optional maxItems

maxItems: number

Maximum number of entries for array fields (extent)

Optional required

required: boolean

Flag for mandatory fields.

Optional title

title: string

The 4GL label.


type: FieldDataType

The JSON data type. 4GL data type

Optional view

view: string

4GL field view-as